The official Kutchan Tourism Association website



Website "NISEKO Dine Local" is open now!

Website for collecting the restaurants for delivery and take away is now available HERE.

(Website is written in Japanese only now, SOON to be open in English)

The purpose of this website is to encourage local people to enjoy their meal with delivery and/or take away.

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Calling for participating restaurants of NISEKOくっちゃんエール飯(NISEKO Dine Local)website

KTA decided to make a new website especially for collecting information about Delivery and Take Away in Niseko area.

"NISEKO Dine Local" is not only the website for information.

We will conduct a YELL Grand Prix.

Each purchase will receive 1 YELL-sheet to send your yell to the restaurants.

At the end of September, we will finish to count on "the Most Yell Received Restaurant" and "the Most Yell Sender".

The Most Yell Sender will receive not only appreciation

but also "overnight stay in Aya Niseko Penthouse on October" thanks to sponsorship by Tokyu Resort Service.

For more detail, please check the website which open on April 20th.

More information is in PDF below for restaurants, cafe, and sweet shop which are interested in joining.

Detail and Application Form

Detail and Application Form (Japanese)

○Apply from Google Form Japanese / English

Survey report of cancellation regarding the pneumonia associated with the novel coronavirus

KTA conducted the survey to all companies in Kutchan town till March 6, 2020.

PDF below is the report of economic impact in Kutchan town due to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) .

survey report of economic impact in Kutchan town due to Coronavirus disease reported on March 16, 2020

ー as of February 17, 2020 ー

KTA conducted the survey to all 525 accommodations in Kutchan town, which registeres in Kutchan Public Health Center.

Till February 16th 2020, we received answers for 345 accommodations.

PDF below is the report of cancellation regarding the pneumonia associated with the novel coronavirus.

survey report of cancellation regarding the pneumonia associated with the novel coronavirus

Because the foreign guests to Kutchan town (Niseko area) is from worldwide, the influence to Kutchan town is still restrictive.

However, some experts insisted that coronavirus will be prevalent more on March.

So, KTA will continue this survey.

Event Information for February

Event Information for February here.

PDF for printing out

February (2020) Event Calendar

February (2020) Shu Ogawara Museum of Art

※You can check the HP if you click on the letter of each event.

【Feb.1~Feb.2(Niseko)】NISEKO JAPONICA 2020

【Feb.1 (Kutchan)】The Rhythm RAIL JAM 2020

【Feb.1 (Kutchan)】Talk & Video(Syu Ogawara Museum of Art)

【Feb.2 (Kutchan)】Winter Taiko Drumming Series @Hirafu intersection

【Feb. 8 (Kutchan)】Visiting World Museums(Syu Ogawara Museum of Art)

【Feb. 8 (Niseko)】Scenic Yakiniku Night 2020

【Feb. 9 (Kutchan)】Winter Taiko Drumming Series @Hirafu intersection

【Feb. 14 (Niseko)】Free Chocolate to first 100 ppl who buy lift tickets (Annupuri) ※written in Japanese

【Feb. 15~Feb. 16 (Kutchan)】Yukitopia Snow Festival 2020

【Feb. 16 (Kutchan)】Winter Taiko Drumming Series @Hirafu intersection

【Feb. 16 (Kutchan)】Artist's Performance(Syu Ogawara Museum of Art)

【Feb. 16 (Kutchan)】Talk by Artists(Syu Ogawara Museum of Art)

【Feb. 16 (Niseko)】Kid's Day (Annupuri) ※written in Japanese

【Feb. 19 (Niseko)】Women's day (Annupuri) ※written in Japanese

【Feb. 20(Niseko)】Senior Day (Annupuri) ※written in Japanese

【Feb. 22 (Kutchan)】Cinema at Museum(Syu Ogawara Museum of Art)

【Feb. 23(Kutchan)】Winter Taiko Drumming Series @Hirafu intersection

【Feb. 25 (Niseko)】Ohina-Kazari -Dolls on display- (Annupuri) till Mar. 3 ※written in Japanese

【Feb. 29(Kutchan)】Namara Ippatsu the Big Air (Niseko Grand HIRAFU)

【Feb. 29(Kutchan)】Talk by Curator(Syu Ogawara Museum of Art

【On Going Events】

●(Kutchan)Skye Niseko has events everyday

●(Kutchan)Ki Niseko has events everyday

●(Niseko)Niseko Onsen Expert Challenge (Niseko Onsen-bu) ※written in Japanese

●(Niseko)Lighting at Niseko Station

●(Shiribeshi)G20 x Shiribeshi Character Card ※written in Japanese till Feb. 2

●(Yotei・West Iburi)Stamp Rally in Yotei & West Iburi area

●(Hokkaido)Hokkaido Pioneer Card Rally※written in Japanese

●(Niseko Tourism Zone)Visitor’s Satisfaction Survey on going

●(Niseko Tourism Zone)Niseko Shootout 2019-20(NPB)

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Event Information for December

Event Information for December here.

PDF for printing out

December (2019) Event Calendar

December (2019) Shu Ogawara Museum of Art

※you can check the HP if you click on the letter of each event.

【Dec. 1(Kutchan)】Hirafu Intersection Police Box OPEN

【Dec. 1(Niseko)】Niseko Village Skiing OPEN

【Dec. 5(Kutchan)】Shelter Movie Tour (Rhythm Japan)

【Dec. 7(Kutchan)】HANAZONO skiing OPEN

【Dec. 7(Kutchan)】Mountain Center Annex OPEN (Grand HIRAFU)

【Dec. 7(Kutchan)】Visiting World Museums (Shu Ogawara Museum of Art)

【Dec. 11(NTZ)】Night Skiing OPEN

【Dec. 13(Kutchan)】Niseko Shootout Info & Movie Night (Rhythm Japan)

【Dec. 14(Kutchan)】Talk & Video (Shu Ogawara Museum of Art)

【Dec. 21(Kutchan)】Museum Concert (Shu Ogawara Museum of Art)

【Dec. 24(Kutchan)】Santa Claus Coming to Niseko (till Dec. 25) & Fireworks (24th only) (Grand HIFARU)

【Dec. 24~25(Niseko)】Christmas Events in Annnupri & Niseko Village (link to japanese page)

【Dec. 25(Kutchan)】Christmas Mass in Kutchan Catholic Church

【Dec. 26(Niseko)】Niseko Avalanche Meeting @ Niseko Chomin Center

【Dec. 28(Kutchan)】Cinema at Museum (Shu Ogawara Museum of Art)

【Dec. 30(Kutchan)】The Collective Film (Rhythm Japan)

【Dec. 31(Kutchan)】Countdown & The Torch Light Skiing (Grand HIRAFU)

【Dec. 31(Niseko)】Year-end events in Annnupi & Niseko Village (link to japanese page)

『On Going Events』

●(NTZ)Niseko Shootout Contest (NPB)

●(Niseko) Niseko Onsen Expert Challenge

●(Shiribeshi)G20 x Shiribeshi Character Card

●(NTZ) Niseko Rugby World Cup

●(Yotei & Western Iburi) Stamp Rally

●(Hokkaido)Hokkaido Pioneer Card Rally (link to japanese page)

●(Kutchan)Skye Niseko has events everyday (start from Dec. 13)

●(Kutchan)Ki Niseko has events everyday (start from Dec. 10)

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