The official Kutchan Tourism Association website



Event Information for September

Event information for September.

※You can check the HP if you click on the letter of each event.

【September 5th ~7th(Kutchan)】Niseko Express

【September 10th ~14th(Kutchan)】Niseko Express

【September 6th(Kutchan)】Boken Kazoku

【September 17th ~21st(Kutchan)】Niseko Autumn Food Festival 2020

【September 19th ~22nd (Kutchan)】NISEKO CRAFT ART FESTIVAL 2020

【September 20th(Kutchan)】YNCA Cycling Event

【September 24th(Kutchan)】Aggie`s by Kutchan Agriculture High School

Poupelle bus is coming to Town!

【September 25th・26th (Kutchan)】Shiribeshi Food Market at Lucky Kutchan

【On Going Events】

●(Kutchan)Shu Ogawara Museum have small events every Saturday

●(Kutchan)Rental Cycle@Kutchan Station i-center

●(Kutchan)Summer Gondola @ Grand HIRAFU

●(Kutchan)Kiyoe Gallery

●(Kutchan)FARMER’S CAMP July – Sep 2nd and 4th week of Sunday

●(Kutchan)Shiribeshi Museum Road

●(Niseko)Niseko Green Bike Plus@Niseko Station

●(Niseko)Niseko Onsen Expert Challenge (Niseko Onsen Club)

Event Information for August

Even information for August here.

PDF for printing out.

August (2020) Event Calendar

※You can check the HP if you click on the letter of each event.

【August 2nd(Kutchan)】Lucky Soup Curry

【August 3rd~7th(Kutchan)】EdVenture Summer Camp (MOIWA Program)

【August 10th~14th(Kutchan)】EdVenture Summer Camp (MOIWA Program)

【August 17th (Kutchan)】Expore the nature of Kagaminuma @Fudo-kan

【August 20th(Kutchan)】Aggie`s by Kutchan Agriculture High School

Poupelle bus is coming to Town!

【August 21st(Fri)(Kutchan)】 15:00~ Ehonkan

【August 22nd(Sat)(Kutchan)】 10:00~ Hirafu

【August 23rd (Sun) (Niseko)】 9:00~ Asobook

【August 26th (Wed) (Rankoshi)】 9:00~17:00

【August 29th (Sat) (Rankoshi)】 9:00~12:00 Hanaichie Library

【August 29th (Sat) (Kutchan)】Niseko Music Festival @Public Hall

【On Going Events】

●(Kutchan)Shu Ogawara Museum have small events every Saturday

●(Kutchan)Rental Cycle@Kutchan Station i-center

●(Kutchan)Lupicia Beer Garden

●(Kutchan)Summer Gondola @ Grand HIRAFU

●(Kutchan)Rhythm Pump Track

●(Kutchan)A-Bu-Cha2 Beer Garden 

●(Kutchan)FARMER’S CAMP July – Sep 2nd and 4th week of Sunday

●(Kutchan)Shiribeshi Museum Road

●(Niseko)Niseko Green Bike Plus@Niseko Station

●(Niseko)Niseko Onsen Expert Challenge (Niseko Onsen Club)

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Mishima-san's garden 2020

We haven't made any announcements about Mishima-san's garden because of the situation with COVID-19.

The flowers have peaked and are finished for the season.

Mishima-san has already started to prepare the garden for next year.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope you are able to see the garden next year.


Website "NISEKO Dine Local" is open now!

Website for collecting the restaurants for delivery and take away is now available HERE.

(Website is written in Japanese only now, SOON to be open in English)

The purpose of this website is to encourage local people to enjoy their meal with delivery and/or take away.

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