The official Kutchan Tourism Association website


【Hokkaido】COVID-19 Prevention Measures Head Office 91st Headquarters Meeting / Dominwari


Hokkaido COVID-19 Prevention Measures head office had its 90th headquarters meeting on January 21st. ※Please check with a Japanese Speaker here.

Priority measures such as prevention measures in Hokkaido

Hokkaido Government has requested to the National Government for the Priority measures such as prevention measures in Hokkaido.

Please check the details for the measures that has been requested. The Date will be announced next week.

Priority measures such as prevention measures in Hokkaido (Plan) Outline
Priority measures such as Prevention Measures in Hokkaido

Priority measures such as prevention measures for other Prefectures

Other Prefectures has been add for the Priority measures such as prevention measures other than Hiroshima, Yamaguchi and Okinawa.
New Prefectures:Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Niigata, Gifu, Aichi, Mie, Kagawa, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Miyazaki
Date:January 21st ~ February 13th


Due to the recent spread of COVID-19, Dominwari will be suspended.

Suspension Area:All Hokkaido
Suspension Period:
・New Reservation:17:00From Jan 21st 5pm~
・Existing Reservation:1 week from the start date of the Priority measures such as prevention measures.

For further information please check here.

Please check the infection status in Hokkaido, and the infection status in Sapporo.

--------------------------------------------------Reminder---------------- -----------------------------------

As KTA is a member of the New Hokkaido Initiative Promotion Council, we would like our members to check here about Event Regulations, the COVID-19 notification system and prevention measure guidelines etc. ※Please check with a Japanese Speaker.

Please refer to the infection control examples announced by the Government and the Hokkaido government below.